NATO's eye in the SKY

The NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control (NAEW&C) Programme is often cited as one of the most successful collaborative ventures ever undertaken by the Alliance. The fleet of 14 NE‑3A aircraft represents the world’s first multi-national, fully integrated Air Force, and is one of the few military assets that is actually owned and operated by NATO.

Visit the: NATO's eye in the SKY webpage

NAPMO Board of Directors

The NAEW&C Programme Management Organization Board of Directors (NAPMO BOD) has authority over the management and governance of the Programme, particularly in the technical, initial support, financial and contractual areas. The BOD consists of one member from each participating Nation.

Visit the: NAPMO BOD webpage


As NAPMO executive agent, the NAEW&C Progamme Management Agency (NAPMA) is accountable to the Board of Directors for planning and coordinating acquisition strategy, managing projects associated with modernisation of the NE‑3A fleet, providing sustainment support services, and overseeing the technical aspects of the NAEW&C airworthiness programme.

More information about NAPMA

Final Lifetime Extention Programme (FLEP)

The objective of the 6th Amendment Futures Modernisation Project is to plan, acquire, and deliver integrated technical solutions supporting the NAEW&C Force Command’s identified requirements.

More information about Futures Project

NAPMO / Brunssum Information

NAPMO Info & E‑3A Skywatch
All information you need to know in printer friendly PDF format

NAPMO Information Booklet

NAPMA Multimedia

Various NAPMA images and video material from the NE‑3A fleet

Visit the Multimedia Library




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